| 1. | Clinical characteristics of psycho - genetic disease among pediatric inpatients 儿科住院病人心因性疾病探讨 |
| 2. | It ' s a genetic disease 那是一种遗传性疾病。 |
| 3. | Chromosomal anomalies - - defects in chromosome number and structure - can also cause genetic diseases 多基因影响的非正常反应来自于很多基因组的混合影响。 |
| 4. | Genetics ; developmental biology ; genetic diseases ; genome project and functional genomics 生物学系遗传学;发展生物学;基因疾病;人类基因工程;基因功能 |
| 5. | In no area of medicine has the growth of research been greater than that in the field of genetic diseases 就医学而言,没有任何一种研究的成长,比遗传病学领域内的研究成长更大。 |
| 6. | As a biologist , i know what people suffering from genetic disease are the victims of unlucky throws of the genetic dice 作为一个生物学者,我知道患有遗传病的人是命运赌博中的受害者。 |
| 7. | Fixing infertility genes , he hopes , would be just a first step toward correcing genetic diseases like sickle cell anemia 他希望,修复不育基因只是治疗镰状细胞性贫血等基因疾病的开始。 |
| 8. | Whether you inbreed , linebreed , or outcross may have an effect on the incidence of genetic disease in the offspring 无论是同系繁殖、同种异系交配、还是同种交配,后代都有可能有遗传病。 |
| 9. | In the u . s . alone , four million babies are screened annually for genetic diseases , cancer predisposition , and paternity 在美国,每年就有400万名婴儿作基因检测,检查遗传疾病、癌症倾向和亲缘关系。 |
| 10. | Further research in cuhk and the medical college of georgia achieved a major breakthrough in this genetic disease early this year 通过中文大学及美国佐治亚洲大学的研究,研究人员发现一个与卡尼丁缺乏症有关的基因 |